Deaf Youth Hui
Ko Taku Reo Deaf Youth Hui Enable Deaf and hard of hearing students become confident leaders of their own lives
Our Program
Our program offers our national Ko Taku Reo students an opportunity to come together at our Auckland and Christchurch campus for five days of learning, culture, challenges and fun.
The Hui encourages independence by enabling each student to complete their journey through self-discovery and resilience. Our aim is to strengthen their sense of identity and build friendships.
Ko Wai Au?: Explaining who I am as a Deaf person
Ko Wai Au? (Who Am I?)
At the beginning of a Deaf person’s journey into Deafhood, there may be a lot of reflections about who they are, exploring the multiple aspects of their identity. The Deaf person may also ask questions about why they are deaf and investigate if there are other deaf members in the family to learn more about their deaf identity and their connections to their languages and cultures.
Term 2 - (Applications open)
When: 19 - 23 May 2025
Campus: Sumner, Christchurch
Term 4 - (Applications open)
When: 20 - 24 October 2025
Campus: Kelston, Auckland
Deaf People and Deaf Space: Explaining Leadership and Deaf Space
Deaf People and Deaf Space
From the first step of recognizing themselves as a Deaf person, children can begin to see other Deaf people in the Deaf world who share similar experiences, explore sign language, Deaf culture, and shared history. Students can start to compare the Deaf and hearing worlds. This gives Deaf students more confidence and pride in themselves as Deaf people.
Term 1 - (Applications open)
When:31 March - 4 April 2025
Campus: Kelston, Auckland
Term 3 - (Applications open)
When: 1 - 5 September 2025
Campus: Sumner, Christchurch
Email for expressions of interest for 2025 Deaf Youth Hui.
For further information on Deaf Youth Hui, please contact our coordinators via
Student FAQs
We're so glad you asked! Our Deaf Youth Hui's are five days of learning about self-identity, deaf awareness, Deaf history, culture, making connections, and developing skills and resilience. These Huis allow students to interact with their peers, teachers, and Deaf role models during fun activities at the Ko Taku Reo campuses and on day trips.
Our Deaf Youth Hui's are open to all Ko Taku Reo students in the Outreach School.
We invite 8-10 students to attend each Hui.
If your RTD applies to come and can take time away from their other students, they can attend.
Deaf Youth Hui's are about developing independence and building resilience with like-minded peers. As much as your parents will miss you it’s essential to take this journey without them and, you will have amazing stories to share when you return home!
Absolutely nothing! Ko Taku Reo covers all costs.
Talk to your parents/caregivers first, then Join us and embark on an exciting journey towards success! Apply now.
In both Auckland and Christchurch.
Ko Taku Reo will coordinate and pay for your flights to attend if you're not local to either Auckland or Christchurch.
We understand! Flying can be a little nerve-wracking, but if you're under 16, we will book your flight as an ''Unaccompanied Minor'', which means that the Airport Staff will take extra special care of you. If you're over 16, then you can be booked with ''Airport Assist''.
Ko Taku Reo staff will be waiting for you at the other end to greet you at the airport and to take you to the Deaf Youth Hui.
Yes! We will work with your parents and our staff to understand how best to support you while with us. We will cater to any physical needs/food allergies/medical requirements so your time with us is as enjoyable as possible.
Yes, of course! We have interpreters available during the day, and our residential team can communicate in NZSL and spoken English.
Yes! Please come again! You're welcome to apply to different Huis that may interest you as you progress through your learning and life stages with Ko Taku Reo.
Please contact our In-Reach Coordinator – Hayley, at or 027 226 1261.
Deaf Youth Hui 2025 Dates
Deaf People and Deaf Space: Explaining Leadership and Deaf Space
When: 1 - 5 September 2025
Campus: Sumner, Christchurch -
Ko Wai Au?: Explaining who I am as a Deaf person
When: 19 - 23 May 2025
Campus: Sumner, Christchurch -
Deaf People and Deaf Space: Explaining Leadership and Deaf Space
When: 1 - 5 September 2025
Campus: Sumner, Christchurch -
Ko Wai Au?: Explaining who I am as a Deaf person
When: 20 - 24 October 2025
Campus: Kelston, Auckland