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Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy aims to communicate, in the clearest way possible, how we treat your and your child’s personal information. We encourage you to read our Privacy Policy to help you make informed decisions about sharing your and your child’s personal information with us.
School Docs
School Docs is an online policy and procedure service. At Ko Taku Reo, we use school docs so everyone can access all our policy documents in one easy to find place. It is tailored to our school and is accessible to the whole school community at any time.
Preschool Child Protection Policy
This Policy includes reference to procedures when we suspect child abuse or neglect. It also includes procedures on measures to be taken to prevent child abuse and share concerns about children's wellbeing.
ECE Trust Induction Document
The Trust, registered with the Charities Services of New Zealand, manages the governance of any licensed ECE services provided under Ko Taku Reo.
Early Years Whānau Centre Child Protection Policy
This Policy includes reference to procedures when we suspect child abuse or neglect. It also includes procedures on measures to be taken to prevent child abuse and share concerns about children's wellbeing.
Auckland Preschool Policies & Procedures
- Individual Plan: Questions for Parent(s)/Caregivers
- Individual Planning: Te Whāriki Curriculum Goals
- Individual Plan: Introduction
- Individual Plan: Procedure
- Individual Plan: Whānau Preferences
- Parents and Whānau - collaboration and induction to the preschool
- Positive guidance policy
- Working Protocols for Collaborative Practices with Other Agencies and/or Services
- Centre self-review outline Appendix
- Centre self-review outline
- Discretionary Enrolment Expression of Interest
- Discretionary Enrolment Procedure
- Enrolment and transition to school procedure
- Enrolment procedure for preschool Appendix
- Enrolment procedure for preschool
- Fee procedure
- Philosophical Statement
- Risk Assessment and Safety Checking for Staff
- Misconduct and Serious Misconduct
- Child and Adult Injury Procedure Appendices
- Child and Adult Injury Procedure
- Child Protection
- Earthquake Procedure
- Emergency Management Information for Parents and Caregivers
- Emergency or fire evac Admin Bldg Fire Layout - Emergency Plan Appendix
- Emergency or fire Evacuation Appendices
- Emergency or Fire Evacuation
- Handwashing Procedure
- Hazard identification and management procedure Appendices
- Hazard identification and management procedure
- Hazard Register Preschool
- Immunisation procedure Appendix
- Immunisation procedure
- Infectious and Notifiable Diseases Appendix
- Infectious and Notifiable Diseases procedure
- Laundry procedure
- Lockdown procedure Appendix
- Lockdown procedure
- Medicine Procedure
- Medicine Records
- Preschool Warden Duties
- Sun Safety procedure
- Taking Children out of the Centre Excursions Procedure
- Transporting Children Procedure
- Toileting procedure
- Visitors including non-enrolled children
- Child Illness Procedure Appendices
- Child Illness Procedure
- First Aid Cabinet Appendix 1
- First Aid Cabinet Procedure
- Food Preparation & Consumption Procedure
- Hygiene & Infection Control Procedure Appendix
- Hygiene & Infection Control Procedure
- Supervision of Children Procedure
- Supervision of Sleeping Children Procedure