Advisory Group Terms of Reference
Objectives and Responsibilities
The Advisory Group (AG) provides the Commissioner with a wide variety of perspectives that are needed for good decision-making around governance matters.
The AG is not a formal decision making body of the School, rather the group provides advice to the Commissioner to assist with decisions that the Commissioner makes.
The AG should also consider the wider vision and key responsibilities around educational and well-being outcomes for Ko Taku Reo students as part of its advisory processes. The AG will, where possible, operate at a governance level and take a strategic approach to its activities. However, it is accepted that on occasion it will be required to consider and provide views on operational issues that may arise.
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed bi-annually and any changes approved by the Ko Taku Reo Advisory Group and Commissioner.
Membership or Composition of the Committee
The Advisory Group comprises
• Two parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing learners (to be appointed)
• Three previous board members (to be appointed)
• One Turi Māori representative (to be appointed)
• One staff representative (to be elected by staff)
• One Deaf Children New Zealand representative (to be nominated by Deaf Children New Zealand)
• One Deaf Aotearoa representative (to be nominated by Deaf Aotearoa)
• One NZSL Board representative (to be nominated by the NZSL Board)
• One NZSTA representative (to be requested from the NZ School Trustees Association)
In attendance will be the commissioner, the executive Principal and AG secretary.
The Commissioner may agree to the co-option of additional AG members if required. Any decision on co-opting will be based on ensuring the AG has the required diversity and depth of skills and knowledge to ensure the AG can achieve its objectives and responsibilities. It may also be used to ensure that the views of the Deaf community and the Māori community are appropriately represented on the committee.
The group will make use of co-options to ensure an agreed balance (minimum 50%) of Deaf / Hard of Hearing Representation within the group.
Appoint a Chair
The Commissioner shall appoint a Chair on an annual basis.
The AG (as a group) will make recommendations by consensus to the Commissioner on matters requiring a decision, but does not have the authority or power to make decisions in the school’s name or on its behalf unless the Commissioner makes a resolution to confer upon the AG a specific authority to act.
The AG is authorised to seek information it requires, including information from staff members. The latter are expected to cooperate with any reasonable requests made by the AG. External advice can also be sought if agreed by the Commissioner. The AG has no delegated financial authority.
Meetings including Timing, Number of Meetings and Other Expectations
The Committee shall normally meet twice per School term or at other times as required.
The AG may have in attendance any such other persons, including external advisors and staff members, as it considers necessary to provide appropriate information and advice.
A schedule of meetings will be prepared for members annually in advance.
AG members are to attend each meeting or provide an apology if unable to attend.
Additional Advisory related meetings
It is anticipated that there will be advisory matters that will arise from time to time that need detailed consideration. Further AG meetings relating to purely advisory matters will take place on an as required basis.
Attendees will be the AG Chair, Deputy Chair and additional attendees if considered appropriate.
The Commissioner can call additional meetings on an as required basis.
Meeting Procedures/Protocols
A standing agenda will be used as the basis for all regular AG meetings. Additional agenda items can be recommended by AG members and will be considered by the AG Chair and Commissioner.
The final agenda for meetings will be prepared by the AG Secretary and approved by the Commissioner.
All meeting agendas, notes, supporting documents and other AG documents will be available on BoardPro (software).
Meeting agendas and supporting documents will be available to AG members seven days before the applicable AG meeting date as a minimum. The AG Chair will chair formal AG meetings and will seek member consensus on any recommendations. If a consensus cannot be reached, a vote of AG members will be undertaken. The AG Chair will not have a casting vote.
AG members are expected to contribute to AG operations and meetings in terms of the expectations for Ko Taku Reo Advisory group members including:
- declaration of any conflicts of interest
- maintaining the confidentiality of AG matters
- open and constructive discussions
- asking relevant questions
- support agreed AG recommendations
- adherence to the agreed code of conduct
- - there will be a frequency of meetings, the length of the meetings and the location (in person or on zoom) will depend on the topics for that specific meeting
Record Keeping Requirements
Notes will be kept but will be limited to:
- recommendations
- action points
- other key discussion points
The draft notes will be circulated to AG members within seven days of the meeting.
Supporting AG Template Documents
Standing AG documents will be:
- Meeting agenda
- Meeting action points/notes
Reporting Procedures
AG notes and any relevant supporting documents will be distributed to AG members, the Commissioner and Executive Principal.
All AG meeting documents will be available to all members via BoardPro. (software)
Annual Self-Review
A review of the AG’s performance will be undertaken annually. The Chair will lead this, including input and feedback from all Committee members, the Ko Taku Reo Commissioner, and the Executive Principal.