Our name and its meaning
My language is the plume of my identity
At Ko Taku Reo we work to nurture the wellbeing of New Zealand’s Deaf and hard of hearing children; as well as providing support and resources to help them reach their academic potential.
Because language can play a big part in this, our name - Ko Taku Reo - takes inspiration from a whakatauki to say, “My language is the plume of my identity.” Deaf and hard of hearing children have diverse language opportunities and education pathways open to them and families are free to choose what suits them best. Because every child’s needs are unique, it could be any mix of options, and these options can be flexible.
We also believe what we strive for goes beyond learning; it’s about living. That’s why we work to make Ko Taku Reo an organisation built on whanaungatanga, offering a place where children and their whānau can meet, find support and a sense of community.
Our sign name communicates the growth and expression of identity and language.
It includes a classifier for feathers to represent ‘plume’, located on the shoulder - the same place as signs for PRIDE and MANA and is symbolic of the wearing of a Maori cloak and the importance of the shoulder in Deaf Culture (eg. tapping on the shoulder).