In Reach Visits
Learners who need specialist support can be referred to the Integrated Services Team (IST). This team is made up of specialists from different areas, e.g. Speech Language Therapists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Counsellors, Educational Psychologists.
If anyone from a learner’s team or whanau has noticed that they need help to support the child or young person, then they can refer the learner to the Integrated Services Team.
A referral can be about communication, movement, sensory, social, behavioural, cognitive and emotional needs, as well as Audiology or Assistive Technology.
Following an accepted referral and initial engagement with our Telepractice service, a Deaf / Hard of Hearing (DHH) learner may qualify for an In Reach Visit. This is when a learner and their whānau visit one of the Ko Taku Reo campuses for an assessment or programme implementation sessions. The RTD or local teacher may be eligible to attend the visit as well, this is considered on a case-by-case basis.
An In Reach visit may be considered if
- 'In person' assessment/ programme implementation is required
- Telepractice is limiting progress/ not meeting the needs of the learner
- The whānau has the ability to travel to a Ko Taku Reo campus
- The learner would benefit from engaging with several IST specialists
The IST In Reach Visit may take place at the Ko Taku Reo campus in Christchurch or Auckland. The decision between the two campuses depends on specialist availability and whānau choice.
- Whānau is available to travel with the learner and participate in the sessions that take place
Prior to the In Reach Visit, the specialist, learner, their whānau, and teaching team will agree on the aims of the visit. For example:
- Complete assessment and/or provide programme implementation, training, and/or coaching
- Meet the learner, whānau and RTD 'in person'
- Set/ review goals as outlined in the learner's support plan
- The learner is considered a very high priority for receiving 'in person' sessions for support (reference Learner Need triangle and Model of Intervention Triangle)
- Whānau/ Team have engaged well with the Telepractice service (either for direct or indirect input)
- Telepractice is not currently meeting the needs of this learner. Barriers have been identified and solutions tried
- The needs of the learner show that 'in person' assessment/ programme implementation will be of benefit
- If the In Reach Visit eligibility criteria are met, an IST specialist will contact the whānau/teaching team to offer an In Reach Visit. The IST specialist will explain the Visit requirements, what is involved, and discuss possible dates
- If the learner’s whānau agree to an In Reach Visit, dates will be agreed and the In Reach Coordinator will complete the arrangements
- If the learner’s whānau decline this offer then Telepractice may continue if it is providing some benefit to the learner, whānau and team. If Telepractice is no longer of benefit, the Support Plan for this learner may be closed. The Learner can be re-referred to the IST again in the future, if required
During the In Reach visit a Support Plan will be co-constructed, if the learner does not already have one. The Support Plan will have clear learning goals and an agreed time frame. The time frame will include review points for the support being given. Follow-up work for the Support Plan will be done via Telepractice with the learner’s team.
At a final review meeting, progress will be reviewed and final recommendations will be discussed before the learner’s Support Plan is complete.
When a learner’s Support Plan is complete, a closure report will be written by the specialist.
The learner may be re-referred to the Integrated Services Team in the future, if anyone from the learner’s team (existing or new) identifies that they need help to support the child or young person.