News & Events
Pitopito kōrero
Linden School Provision
14 Dec 2020
We are delighted to be able to announce the opening of a new Enrolled School Deaf Bilingual Provision in Wellington. The Provision is at Linden School in Tawa. We already have a relationship with Linden School as one of our NZSL Hubs is based there.
We currently have two students enrolled and ready to start the school year in February. The Deaf Bilingual Provision operates like a “school within a school”, students are enrolled with Ko Taku Reo but integrated with the partner school; they wear the same uniform (where applicable), follow many of the same procedures, are involved in school events. Our Ko Taku Reo students also have opportunities to learn alongside their hearing peers in the mainstream classes.
Our Enrolled School students are taught by Ko Taku Reo staff (Teachers of the Deaf) in the Provision or Homeroom. The NZSL Hub students and Provision students will be taught by Darryl Alexander (Project Lead) and Mary Sleep.