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Early years

Early intervention is critical for children who have hearing loss to reach their full potential in life and every child is unique as are their needs. Our Early Years SLT service is family-centred and evidence-based using best practice strategies in the field of deaf education.

We take a flexible approach to communication development, aiming to maximise learners’ functional communication potential in Spoken English and/or in NZSL. Working in partnership with audiologists, we support the child’s team to maximize language and communication opportunities throughout their day.

Our service can include:

  • Assessments observational and tests
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • Functional communication skills
  • Language development
  • Speech (articulation)
  • Literacy and narrative (storytelling) skills
  • Use of social language skills (playing, making friends)
  • Listening and memory (including Auditory Processing)

How they do it

  • Individual therapy (with child, family and key people in the child’s life)
  • Small groups
  • Working alongside parents/carers and key people in the child’s life (including educators, teachers, grandparents)

The SLT Service is a priority-based service. This means that the learners and their teams with the highest needs will receive more intensive service support. Learner assessment results will be used with our prioritisation system, indicating the support each learner will receive.

If anyone from a learner’s existing team has noticed that they need help to support the child’s Speech-Language and Communication (SLC), then they can refer the learner to the Early Years SLT service. The referrer could include family/whanau, teacher/RTD, AODC or other MOE/Early Intervention specialist(s), and/or Audiologist. This can be done by filling in a referral form and sending it to the Integrated Services referral email. Referrals can only be accepted if whānau have given consent for the referral.

Audiology service

Audiology services in Auckland are currently being coordinated from Ko Taku Reo’s Auckland campus, with support from Christchurch’s Audiologist.

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Physiotherapy service

Physiotherapy is a contracted service to Ko Taku Reo where we refer to outside Physiotherapists to work with our students.

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Counselling service

Counselling services provide a confidential space where people can work through difficulties and explore changes they would like to make.

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Orientation and mobility service

Orientation and mobility service provides services to blind, deafblind, and vision-impaired children about purposeful movement and provides an understanding of the environment in an age and developmentally appropriate manner.

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Assistive technology service

Assistive technology supplies hearing aid batteries and accessories, and funds the repair and service of hearing aids and remote microphone systems that have been funded by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.

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Social work service

Ko Taku Reo has an Auckland based Social Worker who can provide direct support to Auckland’s Pre-School children and whanau. In Christchurch, Social Work support is contracted to The Christchurch Methodist Mission who works with ko Taku Reo’s Pre-School children and whanau.

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